How to Use The Guide
(Instructions for use of the Guide are also included within the inside cover of the Standard Works Scripture Guide).
The Guide was designed to be an orderly and organized method of scripture study. This guide is unique among other methods of Standard Works study in that it maintains themes and ideas together leaving you satisfied and fulfilled, not hanging at the end of your study session. Although set up to be studied on particular days, the guide does offer the flexibility to be able to take personal deviations as each scripture section when read is to be checked off by checking the check box next to the corresponding scripture. This is a practice which, if faithfully followed, will allow the individual to keep track of their readings regardless of the order the scriptures are read in.
As the Guide was set up to be read in accordance with particular days, we will describe this method of study below:
The Guide is divided into 12 months with scripture readings assigned for each day. Each day is further divided into four scripture readings: two from the Old Testament, one from the New, and one from Modern Day Revelations.
- Each scripture reading has a check box just to its left. This is the check box you will check when you finish reading that scripture reading.
- We utilize standard abbreviations for most of the scripture references (i.e. the same abbreviations that are found in your scriptures.) A comprehensive list of all the abbreviations used in the scripture references are included on the inside back cover of the Guide.
- We also utilize standard punctuation to further divide and clarify the scripture references. Examples would be:
- A period(.) to end an abbreviation (eg. Gen. for “Genesis”)
- A colon(:) to separate chapters (or sections) from verses (eg. Luke 5:27 to indicate the book of Luke, chapter 5, verse 27 or D&C 124:73 to indicate Doctrine and Covenants section 124, verse 73)
- A hyphen(-) to indicate the word “through” (may be used for chapters, sections and/or verses as shown by Gen. 8-10 indicating the book of Genesis, chapters 8 through 10 or Luke 9:1-27 indicating the book of Luke, chapter 9, verses 1 though 27)
- An ampersand(&) to indicate the word “and” (as in D&C indicating Doctrine AND Covenants)
- As we think it important that the serious student of the scriptures recognize and consider the background behind our Modern Day Revelations as well, we have included readings of the preface material (i.e. all the introductory material found at the beginning of each book) of the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price and have indicated this material by providing the abbreviation of the book followed by a hyphen and the letters “PM” (eg. BOM-PM indicates the preface material to the Book of Mormon)
- The Guide is set up to read four scripture segments per day. Following the Guide will allow the reader to complete the entire Standard Works in only one year. Average reading time for all four segments is in many cases less than half-an-hour.
- Note: It is not necessary to start the Guide on January 1, even though that is the first scripture reading of the Guide. If you purchase the Guide during the year, simply start your study on the day you receive it and begin marking your scriptures off from that date until you complete the Guide. In January, you will simply start marking off from January 1 until the day you originally started (then you can begin your next Guide).
Suggested Study Tips
- Begin your study with prayer.
- Ideally, all four segments should be done at one time, but for individuals with pressing schedules the scripture readings can be broken up into four different time periods in the day.
- If your schedule is tight, you can break up the readings. One possible way of doing so is that you start your day with the second scripture segment (a section from the Old Testament) as this is normally the longest reading. This would allow you to read the first and third segments (the first from the New Testament, and the third is from the Old), reading perhaps one at lunch and the other at break or maybe around dinner. That would leave you with the last segment (the fourth) right before bedtime. This last reading is from the Latter-day revelations and could be somewhat long as well, but will allow you to sleep at night, your last thoughts being on Modern Day Revelations. (Once again this is only a suggestion. Feel free to break this up as you feel will best fit your schedule.)
- It is important that the scriptures be not read like a regular book. Each passage should be read with the sincere intent of discovering the truth about God. Scriptures should be carefully considered, pondered, and meditated upon, with a willingness to apply revealed truth to our lives. Doing so gives the Holy Ghost the opportunity to bless us with revelation upon revelation as we continue on our progression to become more like our Heavenly Father.
We can testify that serious, heartfelt study and pondering of the scriptures leads to incredible blessings and happiness for those that undertake this joyful sacrifice of their time. It will draw the individual closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ His Son and will open up the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth.
We invite all to participate with us in joyful scripture study. To purchase your Guide, please click here.